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- I2Pure Chief Science Officer
- I2Pure Senior Scientist
- I2Pure Analytical Chemist
- Highlighted Manuscripts -
- Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
Why we should teach medical students the correct model for thyroglobulin iodination - Journal of Hospital Infection
Molecular iodine is not responsible for cytotoxicity in iodophors - J. Pharm. Pharmacol
Control of the Amount of Free Molecular Iodine in Iodine Germicides - Journal of Hospital Infection
Properties of an Enzyme-based Low Level Iodine Disinfectant - The Breast Journal
The Effect of Supraphysiologic Levels of Iodine on Patients with Cyclic Mastalgia - Thyroid
Aqueous Iodine Equilibria in Mammalian Iodination Reactions - Thyroid
Factors Influencing the Study of Peroxidase-generated Iodine Specices and Implications for Thyroglobulin Synthesis - International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Enhanced topical delivery of non-complexed molecular iodine for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus decolonization - The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Substrate and Product Specificity of Arthrobacter sialophilus Neuraminidase*
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